Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Feile na Bealtaine

Happy Summer (in Ireland)!! That's right New Englanders it's already summer on this side of the Atlantic. Kind of crazy to think about, since it's mud season in Vermont. The month of April brought about a few new changes to my job title including going back to the start with having to look after a resident. We have a new woman resident in my house who is now my resident. This is really exciting since it is ultimately why I came to Ireland in the first place. So this has been really nice, a lot of work to get back into the groove of things but really nice. Thankfully I have worked with her in the past so I knew what I was in for. May first we enjoyed a rather dangerous hike over the cliffs to the beach. We felt like were training for the army as to get into the fields to reach the beach we had to climb under and over electric fences. Plus walk on cliffs that had steep falls to one side so you had to concentrate on where your feet went. Not to mention don't get distracted by the beautiful day and view we had on the edge of the sea. We enjoyed a well deserved tea break in stunning sunshine. n2c7WPo95M4/UYjk5AOik2I/AAAAAAAAC9M/r7wpV6eqAxU/s320/IMG_4022.JPG" /> In the beginning of May in the Dingle area is a huge summer festival that is one of the biggest events of the year in this area. It is a five day festival filled with art exhibitions, live music, and theatrical performances. Not to mention a parade. The start of our celebrations started Thursday night seeing a well known drummer known as Rónán O Snodaigh. Who was out of this world and basically was capable of making one drum sound like a drum set. Plus he danced while he played which was amazing. Music in general is a huge draw for Camphill Dingle, since we love to dance. Friday was spent entirely in town looking at art exhibitions and seeing how cast iron bowls were made in the olden days, amazing. It is a long process involving a very hot fire and clay casts. Every evening they had tons of concerts, both low key in the pubs and then the concerts for the younger generation. There was a silent disco which is probably one of the funniest experiences I've ever had. Everyone has earphones on that are connected wirelessly to a DJ playing music and so to an outsider it looks like people dancing with no music. But then when you get closer you hear them seeing off tune to the song only they can hear. Me and one of my housemates found some friends where enjoyed an evening of dancing around to only music you can hear. It was a great experience, with great people surrounding me that were probably the reason it was so good. The rest of the weekend was spent at amazing art openings and seeing some good old fashioned irish music. A bit lower key then the rest of the weekend. Sunday was a big event as it was the parade! Camphill was in this. We were standing stones and druids. As the theme involved who came into Ireland through out the years. Sadly there aren't very many pictures of us, but the parade was amazing, just full of color and incredible music and costumes. Below is a video of the parade! Sunday evening we were invited to join a huge salsa/cuban music event at a huge hotel in Dingle strictly we are known for our dancing! It was very loud music but fun, of course none of us know how to dance salsa but still a highly enjoyable event to attend. That concluded our weekend of culture and I think many of us would say we are all set on arts and culture for the remainder of the year. It was amazing what this festival has to offer but its overwhelming the amount there is to see. May is the nicest time of year in this part of Ireland so we've all been enjoying sunshine, last evening my house had a picnic dinner on the cliffs, listening to the sea and sleeping after we ate. This place is quite magical, there are these yellow plants that only when the sun shines on them to you smell there aroma which is of coconuts. Its really funny to walk down a lane and all of a sudden smell coconuts. In the coming months a lot of happening here, and lots to look forward to, a holiday to see some special people in Switzerland as well as amazing people coming to Ireland from the states in July. I'm very excited for the coming months but also dreading them as some of the most amazing people i've met here are leaving me to go home. But I am confident that we will see each other again. After an experience like this I know we have quite a special bond. I can't believe I'm running out of time, but I can't explain how much this year has changed me for the better. Hope you are all staying dry and enjoying the first official springtime in New England. Love to you all! Ex