Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Michaelmus!

Happy Fall everyone back in the states. I am missing me some apple pressing and crisp days spend looking at the beautiful mountains change colors. But I really can't complain, as I spent the weekend harvesting every veggie/herb/fruit from the gardens on the lang in Camphill. This past week was the celebration of Saint Michaelmus, a christian saint who was known for defeating Satan and about celebrating the earth and all it has to give us. We at Camphill celebrated with a festival. We spent the day on Saturday harvesting, making grape juice (from our own grapes), filling cow horns with manure for fertilizing the garden, and planting bulbs. Thankfully the weather was amazing and it was quite a lovely day spent outside with the community relaxing, working and chatting.
The other big part of Michaelmus is we put on some form of performance for select community members who know about Camphill and what we do. This year we put on a circus. We included everyone and put together a forty five minute circus. We spent the entire week practicing, hours of figuring out what people were good at and then pulling it together to form a show. We did a lot of laughing and getting to know each other this week and it was a highlight for everyone. Friday was spent setting up and decorating the barn on the farm like a circus tent. The show went off with out a hitch and many of the people said it was best show yet of Camphill Dingle. It was great fun to hear so many children laughing at the skits and enjoying our circus. The weekend ended with a big soup made from all the veggies we harvested. Everyone enjoyed this delicious soup together. It was an amazing week. Today I get a day off, spent cleaning, buying my bro a bday present and in the evening having a movie and wine night with my co-workers and writing postcards!
I hope everyone at home is doing well. I miss you all!! xElsie

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