Friday, September 19, 2008


I arrived safely to Manchester! woooooo. its been a worlwind since day one, first off looking for a place to live. which is so hard to do, in a city that you've never been to and also don't live in a city. I've have seemed to have horrible luck since the minute I got there. I didn't get picked up from the airport until half an hour after my arrival. Then the apartment that I looked at was crap, I set the alarm off when I accidently leaned against the wall, which did get the attention of the one guy who lived there, who looked like he was hung over and that I woke him up from a deep sleep.....whoops. That room wasn't very nice.

When I couldn't find a place to live that first day I was told by the accommodation people who I know knew quite well that they had a holding cell for me to stay in for the night. I was like a holding cell, thinking like jail cell. But in fact it was not a jail cell but a room in one of the dorms, which just made me pissed that I couldn't live there.

I finally found a place to live, which was in fact the place I wanted to live least. The kitchen looks like it got sludge hammered. the bathroom door won't close and my door you have to slam to close. Also I can't get into the house with my key. I got really lost the first night I tried to get back to it, instead walking around the town for hours trying to find a row of houses that look exactly like with the number 20 on it. I finally found it hours later, and then my key wouldn't work....alas some things are looking up. I got home last night to find the other two rooms of the house filled, one with a guy from Germany and the other from Italy. We had a fun evening of talking and walking to the store to buy them beer and dinner. They hired me as the english coach to perfect there english skills. They have been the people that make feel like I'm at home, which is nice.

The city of Manchester is surprisingly quieter then any city I've been to thus far. The main form of transportation is bus. Which I guess explains the quieter factor. Last night I went to the City Center which is massive and full of shops where you can find anything imaginable. There's a gorgeous park there where there are many statues of well known people. It was kind of crazy, I didn't even know it existed. That was where I saw the first tram of the city. Which I was told was very expensive to ride on. I didn't buy anything on that outing but chose to look around, take in the sights, but I plan to go back and buy things this weekend.

I myself am stressed beyond belief what with housing problems to money and trying to figure out which bus will take me home. It is fun but overwhelming to not have my support system but I am managing and can't wait to travel and take millions of pictures. Speaking of pictures I will upload tons, when i have internet.

That's all for now, I hope all that are reading this are well. I miss you all.


1 comment:

Doctor Tom said...

Smashing good blog, my dear. We're all excited for you! Sounds like just arriving has been quite an adventure. Your first time living so far away... and this is my first time Blogging... (wow, does that make me BORING or what?)

can't wait for photos of Artistic Quality...

Doctor Tom (alias Daddo)